Hand-picked grants in your inbox ...
We know that searching for grants is the last thing you want to do after a day in the field. Let us find them for you – for free!
We help agricultural organizations grow with confidence by providing trusted resources for grants, funding and strategic initiatives. It all starts with a connection!
We know that searching for grants is the last thing you want to do after a day in the field. Let us find them for you – for free!
We tailor our services to your current development needs and turn down work where we do not add value. If we are not a good fit, we will try and connect you with someone who is.
We evaluate your opportunity, design a strategic project, and write a competitive application.
We can help you build a system to manage your own grant or take care of all the reporting.
We flesh out the feasibility of your initiative through research, market analysis, and business plan development.
We make sure your customers understand who you are and what you business offer them.
We help your business thrive off a strong foundation and make sure you understand how you will get there.
We assess what funding is accessible by your business and what your next steps need to be to secure it.
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