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Technical Service Providers

Stewards Unlimited is on a mission to help agricultural technical service providers and nonprofits grow with confidence through researching opportunities, developing strategic project plans, and securing funding through proposal development.

Federal Grants for Technical Service Providers

There are hundreds of federal grants available to you. Here are some of our favorite programs to work on with our clients. Bring us any program you’re interested in and we can take a look!

Community Food Projects

Designed to create community-based food projects that provide innovative long-term solutions to food and nutrition security. These tend to focus on food system security from both the small- and medium-sized producers and low-income community food access perspectives.

Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP)

A great option to facilitate collaboration among multiple producers and improve logistics, market access, and marketing. There needs to be groups of people benefiting, so it usually requires a fair amount of upfront collaboration to develop an application.

Urban + Innovative Production Grants (UAIP)

Projects may target areas of food access; education; business and start-up costs for new farmers; and development of policies related to zoning and other needs of urban production.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP)

Provides grants to organizations for education, mentoring and technical assistance initiatives for beginning farmers and ranchers.

State & Regional Grants for Technical Service Providers

Each state has its own collection of grant and loan programs through the State Department of Agriculture. Depending on your state or region’s priorities, there could be very accessible funding which could even be used to match federal funding. Some examples of state/regional grants we work with our clients on include:

Our Process

From getting to know your business or organization, to preparing a competitive grant application, to answering your questions post-award, our specialty is supporting agricultural technical service providers and nonprofits every step of the way as they navigate the grants landscape.    

We are a rapidly growing company that wants to provide a helpful, trustworthy, and competent service.